"Bits and Pieces"
Stamford Contemporary Art Gallery
"Stamford Contemporary Art" is a fabulous gallery with work from a number of artists including myself. The gallery is well worth a look as is the town of course.
Clay Craft Magazine
Pleased that one of my pots was featured in an early edition of the Clay Craft magazine. The pot was subsequently sold at the Connect Independent Art Fair, London
Lincolnshire Artists' Society
Delighted to have been selected as a member of the Lincolnshire Artists' Society. The society was formed in 1906 and is the primary organisation for artists in the area. The selection process was carried out at the Usher Gallery in Lincoln which gave me the opportunity to see two of Grayson Perry's pots the Gallery has in its collection.
Stamford Pottery Market
The next Stamford Pottery Market will take place in the Stamford Art Centre on 3rd May 2025. Unfortunately we will still not be able to hold a two day event as the Arts Centre is now not open on a Sunday. A crazy decision by the local Council!
If you're not familiar with the Potfest exhibitions and want to see work from a wide range of potters, look them up. The next one is in Suffolk at Haughley Park.
Immediate Future
Family commitments require me to take a break from exhibitions and so on for the immediate future. I'll be using the time to work on some new glaze formulae, textures and forms. Back as soon as I can!